Xinyi(Cindy) Wang


I am a thrid year student at UC San Diego majoring in math-computer science && cognitive science.
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It is my hope to one day work in the area of computer science and artificial intelligence. I am intrigued and fascinated by the seemingly unlimited potential of these areas of study and development to improve the quality of life. It is my desire to learn as much as possible about all areas of computer science and the development of artificial intelligence.

Research Experiences

(September 2022 - present) SCGB undergraduate research fellowship on neuroscience (SURF) and Shenoy Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Neuroscience (SURFiN). Working in Komiyama’s lab under the mentorship of Posdoc Assaf Ramot on defining the functional input of thalamocortical projections in the primary motor cortex 2/3 layer.

(June 2022 - August 2022) Working on projects of designing an AI chatbot with emphasis on security and privacy and Studying people’s reactions on misinformation and disinformation on twitter under the supervision of Dr.Munyaka in Ujima Lab.

(August 2021 - October 2022) Collaborating with other three students: James Cole, Daniel Hernandez, and Nikki Rejai in Dr. Sahoo’s Boolean research lab on generating a gene expression signature for tuberculosis with higher accuracy under any diseases’ conditions.

(April 2019 - June 2020) Collecting Water Samples and analyzing samples using IDEXX Quanti-tray/Enterolert method to detect any enterococci contamination for Surfrider Foundation and Irvine Water District.



Fall 2022 - Design an web app for saving and tracking movie watchlists with 9 other students in CSE 110 (Software engineering class): Binge Tracker APP

Summer 2022 - Developed scripts in R and python to collect and analyze 2,000 tweets to assist with four different projects in the lab. Analysis Techniques: Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modeling, Word Count, N-grams + TF-IDF!: R-script.

Summer 2022 - Mini Project on creating a recommendation chatbot for amazon dress: chatbot.

Summer 2022 - Mini Project on analyzing sentiments among all comments within a youtube video related to gun controls: Sentiment Analysis on Gun Control Video on youtube.

Spring 2022 - Collaborating with 4 other UCSD students, I completed the first project in Data Science: Exploring traffic patterns in the San Diego area. We hope that this project will be used to create safer and more efficient communities for everyone.

Extracurricular Activity

Aside from academics, I also love playing music, painting, hiking, and traveling! I play the traditional Chinese Guzheng for community and charity events, and I receive Los Angeles Legacy Central Conservatory of Music Gold Award and Legacy International Arts Festival Gold Award in 2019.

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me.” – Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

“After all, tomorrow is another day.” — Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Tasks list in the future: